1 Start 2 Speaker Evaluations 3 Complete
ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor
How would you rate this educational activity overall?
How relevant to your needs was the information presented?
How clear was the material presented?
How well were questions answered?
At the conclusion of this program, participants should be able to:
Extremely wellVery wellModerately wellSlightly wellNot well at all
Identify criteria associated with specific faculty tracks
Apply knowledge of criteria to professional goals and responsibilities
Navigate the promotion process at Brown
Extreme improvementMuch improvementSomewhat improvementVery little improvementNo improvement
Patient Care and Procedural Skills
Medical Knowledge
Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
Systems-Based Practice
Provide Patient-Centered Care
Work in Interdisciplinary Teams
Employ Evidence-Based Practice
Apply Quality Improvement
Utilize Informatics
Values/Ethics for Interprofessional Practice
Extremely satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedExtremely dissatisfied
Registration Process
Meeting Venue
Conference Materials
Meeting Format