Office of Women in Medicine and Science Professional Development Series
The mission of the Office of Women in Medicine and Science is to advance the academic progress and professional development of its women faculty, house officers, students and trainees thr
  • Professional Development
  • Grand Rounds / RSS
Office of Faculty Professional Development Courses
Faculty development is critical to improving one’s practice, ensuring the best teaching for learners, and building and disseminating new knowledge of educational, clinical, and career aspects of the iterative improvement
  • Professional Development
  • Grand Rounds / RSS
Reducing Physician Burnout
This short training, comprised of seven brief audio lessons, will teach clinicians how to be with and hold patients’ suffering without being consumed by it. Burnout is reaching epidemic levels for healthcare providers. Clinicians are taught to empathize with their patients, yet this can lead to empathy fatigue, and the development of habits that are self-protective against burnout, yet can be a Catch-22 with regard to connecting with patients and building a relationship that makes patients feel cared for.
  • Professional Development
  • Wellness for Providers
  • On-demand / Enduring