Public Health Out Loud Grand Rounds
Click here for the 2023-2024 Public Health Out Loud Grand Rounds Registration Page
Jointly Provided by the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and The Rhode Island Department of Health
In Collaboration with Brown University AIDS Program
Please join us for a bi-weekly public health live webinar series. Each episode will be one
hour in duration with the first half covering current topics in COVID prevention, treatment
and epidemiology. The second half will include guest speakers and be framed around
topics relating to a public health focus on decreasing/remedying implicit bias (racism,
ageism, ableism, etc.) and increasing cultural competency in order to deliver the best,
most culturally-aware and -congruent care possible to patients of all ages, races,
gender identities, abilities, socio-economic statuses, and backgrounds.
Target Audience
This educational initiative is designed for all licensed healthcare professionals practicing medicine in the state of Rhode Island.
Learning Objectives
After participating in this educational initiative, the learner should be better able to:
- Describe current COVID-19 epidemiology, testing, vaccine and science trends occurring locally and worldwide.
- Identify and remedy potential areas of implicit bias in providing patient care.
If ADA assistance is required please notify the Brown CME Office in writing at least two weeks prior to the session date to request reasonable accommodations via email at: [email protected]
This educational program is designed to present scientific information and opinion for healthcare professionals, to stimulate thought, and further investigation.
Privacy Policy
The Office of Continuing Medical Education (CME) and its educational partners protect the privacy of personal and other information regarding participants and educational collaborators. The CME Office maintains its Internet site as an information resource and service for physicians, other health professionals, and the public. The CME Office will keep your personal information confidential when you participate in a CME Internet-based program. CME collects only the information necessary to provide you with the services that you request.
Grant Acknowledgement
This educational initiative has received support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health Disparities grant.
Beginning in July 2022, switching to a once-monthly schedule:
- July 27, 2022
- Impact of COVID-19 on the Gastrointestinal System, Presented by Dr. Samir Shah
- August 17, 2022
- Latent TB Infection Testing and Treatment in Primary Care
- September 28, 2022
- The Stigma of Substance Use: Its Impact and What You Can Do
- October 19, 2022
- Covid-19 Surveillance and Travelers’ Health
- November 16, 2022
- RI MomsPRN, Maternal Psychiatry Resource Network
- December 21, 2022
- Flu, COVID-19, and RSV Season
- January 18, 2023
- The Health of Rhode Island Youth: 2021 High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
- February 15, 2023
- Hepatitis C Virus Infection: A Clinical Update; Hepatitis C Elimination Strategic Plan
- March 15th, 2023
- Mental Health Services to Assist Primary Care Physicians
- April 19th, 2023
- Shared medical appointments, specifically in the context of fibromyalgia, diabetes, cancer, long COVID
- May 24th, 2023
- Childhood obesity trends
- June 21st, 2023
- Current anxiety and depression rates and trends in RI
Core Faculty
Associate Professor of Medicine, Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Medical Director, Division of Community Health and Equity
Rhode Island Department of Health
Clinical Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Suzanne Bornschein M.D., F.A.C.P. (Co-Chair)
Medical Director, COVID-19 Unit
Rhode Island Department of Health
Planning Committee
Erin Dugan, MPH
Assistant, JIC Manager
Rhode Island Department of Health
COVID-19 Provider and Community Mitigation Communications
COVID-19 Joint Information Center, State of Rhode Island
Jennifer Maloney
Office of CME, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Providence, RI
Matt Murphy, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Clinician Educator
Siena Napoleon, MPH
Research Project Director, The Miriam Hospital
Providence, RI
Carol Stone
Grant Project Specialist, RIDOH
Providence, RI
Maria Sullivan
Director, Office of CME
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Providence, RI
Accreditation: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and the Rhode Island Department of Health. The Warren Alpert Medical School is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education.
Credit designation: This live activity is designated for 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
- Rhode Island Specific: Each episode qualifies for 1 hour of risk management and cultural awareness credit.
Click here for the 2023-2024 Public Health Out Loud Grand Rounds Registration Page
To be added to the communication list for this series, please email [email protected]
If ADA assistance is required please notify the Brown CME Office in writing at least two weeks prior to the session date to request reasonable accommodations via email at: [email protected]