9:10–10:15 Breakout Sessions - Please choose ONE
1. Affirming Care 101 - Medical Track & Public Health Track
AJ Metthe, MSW, LCSW & Erin Ursillo, LMHC & Gerrit Van Schalkwyk, MD
- Understand different terms used to define gender and transgender identity
- Learn practical ways to adjust everyday language to be more trans-affirming
2. Caring for Gender Diverse Youth: Biopsychosocial Integration - Medical Track & Behavioral Health Track
Jason Rafferty, MD, MPH, EdM & Jill Wagner, LCSW
This presentation will review the rational for why gender affirmative care in children and adolescents is fundamentally different from adults. We will discuss developmental considerations, gender fluidity, family involvement, and psychiatric co-morbidities that can arise when working with young populations. In particular, we will introduce recent changes to the Gender and Sexuality Clinic at Hasbro Children’s Hospital to better meet the biopsychosocial needs of our patients, including collaborative relationships with community partners.
- Appreciate considerations for gender affirmative care in children and adolescents
- Discussed developmental and psychosocial dynamics that may complicate gender affirmative care in youth
- Review one model of integrated gender care that involves interdisciplinary coordination and collaborations across systems.
3. Gender Affirming Care for Cisgender Clinicians - Behavioral Health Track
Elliot M. Ruggles, LCSW, PhD & Jayden Thai, PhD
*This session is only available to behavioral health specialists
Clinicians can expect to gain an introductory understanding of historical, ethical, and clinical considerations for providing affirming care around gender diversity. Along with addressing common concerns, presenters hope to inspire participants into accomplices when considering their relationships with oppressed populations.
- Summarize historical development of Western concepts of gender identity, transgender and cisgender
- Name two ways their own intersecting identities and biases may impact their clinical work with gender diverse clients
- List 3 actions they can take within their clinical practice to move from action to accompliceship with gender diverse clients
4. Interacting with Non-Binary Patients: Introductory Best Practices - Behavioral Health Track & Medical Track
Casey Orozco-Poore, ScB & Ryan Segur, ScB
- Form a basic understanding of non-binary identity
- Introductory best practices will teach providers the basics of interacting with non-binary patients
- Case studies in non-binary lived experience will give participants additional insight for how to learn more about fully gender inclusive clinical practice
5. Trans Health Public Policy: A Status Update - Public Health Track, Behavioral Health Track & Medical Track
Lauren Nocera, MSW, MPH
9:10–10:15 Session
Affirming Care 101 AJ Metthe, MSW, LCSW & Erin Ursillo, LMHC & Gerrit Van Schalkwyk, MD | Medical Track Public Health Track |
Caring for Gender Diverse Youth: Biopsychosocial Integration Jason Rafferty, MD, MPH, EdM & Jill Wagner, LCSW | Medical Track Behavioral Health Track |
Gender Affirming Care for Cisgender Clinicians Elliot M. Ruggles, LCSW, PhD & Jayden Thai, PhD | Behavioral Health Track |
Interacting with Non-Binary Patients: Introductory Best Practices Casey Orozco-Poore, ScB & Ryan Segur, ScB | Behavioral Health Track Medical Track |
Trans Health Public Policy: A Status Update Lauren Nocera, MSW, MPH | Public Health Track Behavioral Health Track Medical Track |
Free parking available in Campus Parking Lots A, B, C, & D. Conference Registration will take place in the Roberts Hall Lobby.
Free parking available in Campus Parking Lots A, B, C, & D. Conference Registration will take place in the Roberts Hall Lobby.
- Affirming Care 101 - Medical Track & Public Health Track
AJ Metthe, MSW, LCSW & Erin Ursillo, LMHC & Gerrit Van Schalkwyk, MD
- Understand different terms used to define gender and transgender identity
- Learn practical ways to adjust everyday language to be more trans-affirming
- Caring for Gender Diverse Youth: Biopsychosocial Integration - Medical Track & Behavioral Health Track
Jason Rafferty, MD, MPH, EdM & Jill Wagner, LCSW
This presentation will review the rational for why gender affirmative care in children and adolescents is fundamentally different from adults. We will discuss developmental considerations, gender fluidity, family involvement, and psychiatric co-morbidities that can arise when working with young populations. In particular, we will introduce recent changes to the Gender and Sexuality Clinic at Hasbro Children’s Hospital to better meet the biopsychosocial needs of our patients, including collaborative relationships with community partners.- Appreciate considerations for gender affirmative care in children and adolescents
- Discussed developmental and psychosocial dynamics that may complicate gender affirmative care in youth
- Review one model of integrated gender care that involves interdisciplinary coordination and collaborations across systems.
- Gender Affirming Care for Cisgender Clinicians - Behavioral Health Track
Elliot M. Ruggles, LCSW, PhD & Jayden Thai, PhD
*This session is only available to behavioral health specialists
Clinicians can expect to gain an introductory understanding of historical, ethical, and clinical considerations for providing affirming care around gender diversity. Along with addressing common concerns, presenters hope to inspire participants into accomplices when considering their relationships with oppressed populations.
- Summarize historical development of Western concepts of gender identity, transgender and cisgender
- Name two ways their own intersecting identities and biases may impact their clinical work with gender diverse clients
- List 3 actions they can take within their clinical practice to move from action to accompliceship with gender diverse clients
- Interacting with Non-Binary Patients: Introductory Best Practices - Behavioral Health Track & Medical Track
Casey Orozco-Poore, ScB & Ryan Segur, ScB
- Form a basic understanding of non-binary identity
- Introductory best practices will teach providers the basics of interacting with non-binary patients
- Case studies in non-binary lived experience will give participants additional insight for how to learn more about fully gender inclusive clinical practice
- Trans Health Public Policy: A Status Update - Public Health Track, Behavioral Health Track & Medical Track
Lauren Nocera, MSW, MPH