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7:30 - 7:35 am | Welcome & Introduction, Symposium Chairs | Christoph Stretz, MD, FAAN, FANA & Shadi Yaghi, MD, FAHA |
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7:35 - 8:45 am |
Pre-hospital and ED Evaluation of Stroke | TOPIC BLOCK 1 |
3_Potvin_Field Triage_Potvin_2024 RI Stroke Symposium_Final.pdf | Field Diagnosis, Treatment, and Triage for Suspected Acute Stroke | John Potvin, BS, NRP, EMS I/C, CEMSO |
4_Buksar_Slides 2024 RI Stroke Symposium Triage and Stroke Care in the ED.pdf | Triage and Stroke Care in the ED | Andrew Buksar, RN, MSN, CEN | |
5_Paolucci_ 2024 RI Stroke Symposium.pdf | The Stroke Task Force - how to improve care at the statewide level | Gino Paolucci, DNP, ACNP-BC, ANVP-BC |
Speaker asked not to post |
Then to Now- A 28-Year Perspective on the Evolution of Nursing in Stroke Care | Kimberly Murdoch, BSN, SCRN, CNRN
| Discussion | |
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8:45 -9:55 am |
Acute Stroke | TOPIC BLOCK 2 |
7_Moldovan_RISY 2024 Updates on Stroke 916.pdf | Updates on Endovascular Treatment in Acute Ischemic Stroke - What's New? |
Krisztina Moldovan, MD |
8_Goldman 2024 RI Stroke Symposium.pdf | A Pain in the Neck: Vascular Causes of Headaches and Neck Pain in an ED | Samuel Goldman, MD, MPH |
9_Willey_2024 RI Stroke Symposium willey.pdf | What is Minor Stroke? | Joshua Willey, MD, MS |
10_Mistry- RIH Stroke Symposium.pdf | Are There any Contraindications to Thrombolysis? | Eva Mistry, MBBS, MSCI, FAHA |
Discussion | |
9:55 -10:25 am |
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10:25-10:55 am |
Debate 1: Endovascular Treatment vs. Medical Management for Symptomatic ICAD | Radmehr Torabi, MD vs Shyam Prabhakaran, MD, MS |
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10:55-12:05 pm |
Secondary Stroke Prevention | TOPIC BLOCK 3 |
not available | Novel Treatments in Stroke Prevention | Karen Aspry, MD, MS, FACC, FNLA, FAHA |
14_Harte_Antiplatelets for stroke prevention in a nutshell_FINAL.pdf | Antiplatelets for Stroke Prevention in a Nutshell | Katherine Harte, PharmD, BCACP |
| Challenges of Current Stroke Prevention Strategies in Atrial Fibrillation | Daniel Philbin, Jr., MD, FACC, FHRS |
16_Khan_Slides_RISS_FK.pdf | Cardiac Monitoring for AF After Stroke: Who and for How Long? | Farhan Khan, MD, MS |
Discussion | |
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12:05-12:35 pm |
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12:35-1:05 pm | The Stroke Patient in the Neurocritical Care Unit - an Interactive, Case-based Approach | Thanujaa Subramaniam, MD & Leslie Kimpler, DO |
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1:05-1:55 pm |
What is New? | TOPIC BLOCK 4 |
18_Furie_CVT2024.pdf | Cerebral Venous Thrombosis | Karen Furie, MD, MPH, FAHA |
19_Yaghi_Cervical Artery Dissection STROKE SYMPOSIUM.pdf | Cervical Artery Dissection | Shadi Yaghi, MD, FAHA |
20_Burton_moyamoya_medical_management_20240909.pdf | Moyamoya Medical Management | Tina Burton, MD, MFA |
21_Miller 2024 RI Stroke Symposium.pdf | Stroke in Pregnancy | Eliza Miller, MD, MS |
Discussion | |
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1:55-2:50 pm | Stroke Recovery/Stroke Rehab | TOPIC BLOCK 5 |
22_Liss 2024 RI Stroke Symposium_Final.pdf | Effects of Stroke on the Individual & Their Families | Marcia Liss, PhD |
23_Beltis_RIH Stroke Symposium, PT and OT.pdf | Early Mobilization After Stroke - Crucial Role of PT and OT | Christina Beltis PT, DPT, CBIS |
24_Perrino 2024 RI Stroke Symposium.pdf | Navigating Post-stroke Dysphagia | Kristin Perrino, MS, CCC-SLP |
Discussion | |
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2:50- 3.20 pm | AFTERNOON BREAK | |
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3:20 - 3:50 pm | Debate #2 - Advanced Imaging for All | Thanh Nguyen, MD vs Bruce Campbell, MBBS(Hons), BMedSc, PhD, FRACP |
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3:50 - 4:50 pm | Intracranial Hemorrhage and Vascular Malformations | TOPIC BLOCK 6 |
27_Stretz FINAL_2024 RI Stroke Symposium Neuroimaging in ICH.pdf | Advanced Neuro-imaging in ICH - who, when, and why? | Christoph Stretz, MD, FAAN, FANA |
28_Greenberg_RIStroke_9.20.2024.pdf | Novel Biomarkers for Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy | Steven M. Greenberg, MD, PhD, FAHA |
29_Wolman_w CME Intro Slides 240817_RI-Stroke-Symposium-dAVFs-Trimmed.pdf | Updates on Evaluation and Management of dAVF | Dylan Wolman, MD |
30_Salloway_Stroke Sym Brown 9-24.pdf | Detection and Safe Management of Amyloid-related Imaging Abnormalities | Stephen Salloway, MD, MS |
| Discussion | |
4:50 - 5:00 pm | Closing remarks | |