Medical Evaluation of the Sexual Assault Survivor: A Virtual Educational Curriculum


Welcome to the on-demand Medical Evaluation of the Sexual Assault Survivor: A Virtual Educational Curriculum. 

The curriculum is comprised of 8 individual modules that must be completed in succession and in total. Please click on the Program tab above to view the title and estimated time to complete each module. The estimated time to complete the full curriculum is 11 hours. Credit Claiming takes place upon completion of modules 1-8.

This multi-module course is intended to address diversity, special populations (males, prisoners, transgender, developmental disabilities, and the elderly), as well as high-risk populations. The 8 modules will train clinicians to provide objective health care and forensic evaluation in a trauma-informed, competent, compassionate, culturally/linguistically appropriate, and victim-centered manner.

The curriculum is based on:

  • National Training Standards for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examiners
  • National Sexual Assault Protocol
  • Follows Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Protocol (SAFE)
  • Meets medical, forensic, and healthcare needs of victims of sexual assault
  • Follows American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Guidelines /Curriculum


This educational activity is funded by a Brown Physicians, Inc. Grant: “Educating Medical Providers in Trauma Informed Acute Care and Follow-up for Survivors of Sexual Assault

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this educational initiative, participants should be better able to : 

  • Recognize the epidemiology of sexual assault
  • State the importance of trauma-informed care for the survivor of sexual assault
  • Apply the procedures and protocols in the acute medical care of the sexual assault survivor patient
  • Identify the resources available to survivors of sexual assault


The Warren Alpert Medical School is committed to presenting CME activities that promote improvements and/or quality in health care and are developed free of the control of ineligible companies (formerly known as a commercial interest).It is our policy to ensure that our activities are balanced, independent, objective, scientific, and in compliance with ACCME and other regulatory requirements.

Anyone who is in a position to control the content of a CME presentation is required to disclose all financial relationships within the past 24 months with ineligible companies. This collected disclosure information has been reviewed and any potential conflicts of interested mitigated prior to the activity.

This activity may include discussion of off-label or investigative drugs uses. Speakers are aware that it is their responsibility to disclose to the audience this information.

Faculty Disclosure/Conflict of Interest

The following speakers and planning committee members* have disclosed that they have no relevant financial relationships:

Lori Clements, RN, BSN, SANE
Grace DeCost, MS
Susan Duffy, MD, MPH*
Detective Koren Garcia
Amy P. Goldberg, MD
Andrea Goldstein, MPA*
Tyler Grimes, LMSC
Erica Hardy, MD, MMSc*
Timothy G. Healy, Esq.
Cara E. Lupino, MS
Jennifer L. Maloney*
Maria Sullivan, BS*
Michael Tcheyan, MD*


Privacy Policy: The Office of Continuing Medical Education (CME) and its educational partners protect the privacy of personal and other information regarding participants and educational collaborators. The CME Office maintains its Internet site as an information resource and service for physicians, other health professionals, and the public. The CME Office will keep your personal information confidential when you participate in a CME Internet-based program. CME collects only the information necessary to provide you with the services that you request.

Disclaimer: This educational program is designed to present scientific information and opinion to Health professionals, to stimulate thought, and further investigation.

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


Module 1 - Overview of Sexual Assault
Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes

Module 2 - Medical Evaluation 
Estimated time to complete: 1 hour, 15 minutes

Module 3 -  Evidence Collection, Documentation, and Maininting Chain of Evidence
Estimated time to complete: 2 hours, 45 minutes

Module 4 - Acute Treatment of Sexual Assault Patients in the Emergency Department or Acute Care Setting
Estimated time to complete: 57 minutes

Module 5 - Forensic Testing-Evidence Evaluation 
Estimated time to complete: 1 hour

Module 6 - Medical Follow-Up After Sexual Assault
Estimated time to complete:  47 minutes 

Module 7 - The Legal Investigation, Legal Advocacy, and Prosecution of Sexual Assault
Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Module 8 - Advocacy/Victim's Experience/Trauma-Informed Care 
Estimated time to complete: 1 hour



Lori Clements, RN, BSN, SANE
Nurse Payer Liaison, Utilization Review
Rhode Island Hospital | Providence, RI

Grace DeCost, MS
Research Project Coordinator
Department of Medicine
Women & Infants Hospital | Providence, RI

Susan Duffy, MD, MPH - Course Director
Professor of Emergency Medicine, Professor of Pediatrics
Vice Chair, Academic Faculty Affairs
Department of Emergency Medicine
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Director, Fast Track and Nurse Practitioner Programs
Hasbro Children's Hospital | Providence, RI

Detective Koren Garcia
Supervisor, Special Victims Unit
Providence Police Department | Providence, RI

Amy P. Goldberg, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Attending Physician
Lawrence A. Aubin, Sr. Child Protection Center, Child Protection Team
Hasbro Children’s Hospital | Providence, RI

Tyler Grimes, LMSC
Standardized Patient

Erica Hardy, MD, MMSc (Course Director)
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Director, Infectious Disease, Care New England
Director, SAFE Clinic (Sexual Assault Follow Up Clinic), Women & Infants Hospital
Providence, RI 

Timothy G. Healy, Esq.
Assistant Attorney General
Chief of Special Victims Unit
The State of Rhode Island | Office of the Attorney General
Providence, RI

Cara E. Lupino, MS
Supervisor, Forensic Biology/DNA Lab
Rhode Island Department of Health | Providence, RI

Michael Tcheyan, MD
House Staff Officer in Emergency Medicine
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Emergency Medicine Resident
Brown Emergency Medicine Residency



The Warren Alpert Medical School is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The Center for Professional Practice and Innovation is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Northeast Multistate Division Education Unit, an accredited approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Credit Designation (note: completion of all modules is required to receive credit )

Physicians: The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University designates this entire enduring material curriculum for a maximum of 11.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

  • This program qualifies for 11.0 hours CME Credit in Risk Management, one of the required areas of section 6.0; 6.2.1 RI CME re-licensure requirements.

Other Health Professionals: Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance stating this program is designated for 11.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. This credit is accepted by the AANP, AAPA, RI Pharmacy, and RI Psychologist re-licensure.

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